Monday musings....all weekend as we dutifully followed our schedule of medications, we considered what the coming weeks have in store for INTREPID II. There is only so much flexibility that can be built into a cruising season and we didn't allow for as much 'under the weather' time. The "San Carlos crud" we referred to earlier was actually more serious for the Captain and understandably has meant less energetic efforts on the boat. Progress is being made of course, but the weeks slide by; cruising is still our hope, even for a few short weeks. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, we made a second visit to the nearby Estero de Soldado on Saturday afternoon, as we had read in the local birding report of sightings of Roseate Spoonbills. A bird we had never observed. There are several 'off the road' tracks near the estuary and one led us to a gap in the vegetation, where we stopped and parked. The first birds we spotted were not far away and not of the delicate, rosy variety. A pair of Black Vultures (
Coragyps atratus) were standing quietly by observing. The field guide mentions the 'wrinkled grey' neck and all blackish colouration of feathers with silvery patches on the wingtips. Very conservative and still.
Black Vulture pair (Coragyps atratus) |
Closer to the water we were enthused to view a pair of what had to be Roseate Spoonbills
(Platalea ajaja) feeding in the shallows, although they were at a distance. These wading birds nest and roost in low trees and forage by walking slowly, sweeping their bills from side to side to capture fish and invertebrates. The 'spoon-shaped' bill is indeed distinctive when raised out of the water. Based on our Sibley's guide we assume we were seeing 2nd year birds, as they were missing a distinctive reddish section to their plumage.
Roseate Spoonbills ( Platalea ajaja) |
Even from a distance, we were able to spot several other residents of the estuary and check our findings in the field guide. Our 'best guess' is attached to each.
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) |
Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) |
Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) |
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) |
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