We are pleased to be spending a quiet Thanksgiving weekend with Sebastian and Rosie, as last year we were sailing our way down the California coast on our first cruising adventure. We are less than thrilled to be reminded of the amount of leaves that thirteen (13!) Garry Oaks can drop on the lawn, bushes, cars, deck, roof! However, the raking is a small price to pay for having a place to call home in such a lovely setting.
Our front lawn with leaves ready for pickup |
Our thought are with family and friends and we wish you all a special Canadian Thanksgiving wherever this finds you. We celebrated yesterday (Sunday) with a day of preparation - turkey, stuffing, wild rice, roasted vegetables, oyster stew, pumpkin pie - interspersed with leaf raking when the sun came out and catching a bit of sports on tv. A very tasty dinner, if we do say so ourselves.
INTREPID II is also front and centre in our thoughts as it gets closer to the cruising season and we make tentative plans to recommission her in Guaymas and continue our explorations of Mexico. As we hope to explore more of the mainland side this coming cruising season, we have been reading up on anchorages and harbours in the Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta area. Our friends' blogs are reflecting the same planned activities. We wish you all well as you make your way south once again. We hope this year's hurricane season is a benign one and all our sailing vessels are in good condition on our return.
This posting concludes the first chapters of our 'great cruising adventure'.]