Former Baja California Sur State Capital building - still in use
Monday March 15th update: We've had a very rolly night at the marina dock, as we are side-tied - not much choice. The winds blew steadily all night and are continuing in the NW 5-18 knot range and on into Tuesday for certain. So after a few more last minute things like using the computer, running to Fernando's tienda up the road for a few more provisions, paying for a few more days on a mooring, we will head over to find a mooring hopefully a bit closer in, with as little fetch as possible and hang tight. Of course, the dinghy is on the deck and the outboard nicely stowed - so we may be hermits for those days.
The following pictures are from our road trip to Loreto last Wednesday: the mission and some sights around town and a few from the Loreto Bay development south of town which looked almost deserted when we drove in with only one lonely golfer on the links. The Mission was founded in October 1697 by the Jesuit missionary Juan Maria de Salvatierra. Some references refer to it as "head and mother of all the Spanish missions in Upper and Lower California."
Mision Nuestra Senora de Loreto courtyard |
Mission of Our Lady of Loreto Concho in the 18th century (courtesy of wikipedia) |
Church interior |
The winds were still very strong and as we neared the very small fishing basin, we spotted the bright yellow flag at the Port Captain's office - basically a small craft warning.
"Jaka" fruit - the large green ones |