S/V INTREPID II - Cape Dory Intrepid 40

My photo
Intrepid II is a Cape Dory Intrepid 40 sailboat, hull #2, designed by Chuck Paine and discovered by the Captain in Blue Hill Maine in 2006. The crew are Kelly (Captain) and Carol (Admiral and Blogger). In 2009 INTREPID II embarked on her West Coast journey from Victoria to San Francisco, the Baja Sur Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez. In 2010/2011, we sailed from Guaymas, south to Bahia Banderas and back. In 2011/2012 we left Guaymas, headed south to La Paz, spent three weeks at anchor on our northward journey and rested on the hard in San Carlos. Her 4th, 5th and 6th seasons were Boat Projects related. Season 7 - an incredible amount of boat work - but no cruising. Season 8 - Tropical Storm Sergio toppled Intrepid II in San Carlos dry storage. A disappointing season of serious and costly repairs. Season 9 - continuing those repairs and still hopeful for cruising. 2024 - well cruising plans certainly have been dashed the past few seasons!

March 15, 2010

Road Trip - Mision San Javier - Thursday, Mar. 11

There is only time to post a few pictures of this adventure.  Needless to say this trip lived up to its "challenging, rugged road" description which we found after the fact in our older Mexico guidebook.  It's incredible to think vehicles use this daily in some cases. Certainly it better suits Jeeps, off-road vehicles and horses and burros.
Cave paintings

San Javier lies south west of Loreto over mainly dirt roads
(red mark is near P. Escondido)
The town of San Javier is an oasis in the midst of the high mountain plateau, and the church Mission San Francisco Javier de Vigge-Biaundó is impressive.  As we mentioned earlier, the road starts just south of Loreto, and is paved, with guard rails and signs for 14 kms, then it becomes a graded dirt road of twists and turns, blind corners and washout.  We stopped to walk in to one set of cave paintings as well.  It was a two hour (a long two hours) in and a shorter hour and a half out - as we now knew what to expect.
Bit of a washout near the Cave painting spot
Inspiring interior of Mission San Javier
References to the Spanish Missions in Baja California state:  Between 1744 and 1758, Miguel del Barco was responsible for building what has-been called "the jewel of the Baja California mission churches".  By 1817 the mission was deserted as the native population declined and the missionaries were expelled.  The church has-been restored and is now maintained by Mexico 's National Institute of Anthropology and History .