S/V INTREPID II - Cape Dory Intrepid 40

My photo
Intrepid II is a Cape Dory Intrepid 40 sailboat, hull #2, designed by Chuck Paine and discovered by the Captain in Blue Hill Maine in 2006. The crew are Kelly (Captain) and Carol (Admiral and Blogger). In 2009 INTREPID II embarked on her West Coast journey from Victoria to San Francisco, the Baja Sur Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez. In 2010/2011, we sailed from Guaymas, south to Bahia Banderas and back. In 2011/2012 we left Guaymas, headed south to La Paz, spent three weeks at anchor on our northward journey and rested on the hard in San Carlos. Her 4th, 5th and 6th seasons were Boat Projects related. Season 7 - an incredible amount of boat work - but no cruising. Season 8 - Tropical Storm Sergio toppled Intrepid II in San Carlos dry storage. A disappointing season of serious and costly repairs. Season 9 - continuing those repairs and still hopeful for cruising. 2024 - well cruising plans certainly have been dashed the past few seasons!

December 20, 2017


Christmas, New Year'S Eve, Ornament

From our home away from home to yours, we wish you a joy-filled and peaceful Christmas season, wherever you may be.

While we truly miss being home, being with family, miss reading the cards and letter that arrive while we are here in San Carlos, we are cheered in knowing we are once again reunited with INTREPID II for a short time.


Working on Boat Projects under sunny skies

Now that INTREPID II is on A dock in Marina San Carlos, we began our efforts to untangle messenger lines - our lines stretched over the two years and conveniently tangled themselves around the mast steps.  The halyards need to be raised, sails hanked on; the cabin below is still filled with canvas, sails, lines, tools and equipment.  We have cleared the galley and cupboards to give them a thorough cleaning and freshened up towels and bedding left in storage in large zip-lock baggies.
Somehow, many items replicated and reproduced - so the local thrift stores will benefit as we sort and cull our stock of dishes, plastic containers and wine glasses!

We've unexpectedly been under the weather since Monday evening and have lost 2 days of productive work while we regain our energy.  San Carlos has well regarded doctors and we were thankfully referred to one by our neighbours.  Not great timing, but we should bounce back before Christmas.

A "Dry Run" for Splash Day and Splash Day 2

The Captain suggests our Wednesday, December 13th launch was in reality a dry run, although the issue which arose was a leaky one.  All went well loading INTREPID II on to the trailer and down the road to San Carlos marina.  8:00 am.  First launch of the day, calm winds.  The last slip in the marina was waiting on A dock.  As Kelly checked the various locations of our through-hulls there was silence. The works yard crew stood by. Finally Kelly stepped into the cockpit and dispiritedly announced that there was worrisome seepage from several through-hulls - enough leaking to warrant the decision to return to the works yard.  Much effort ensued with the removal, finally, of six through-hulls; soaking, cleaning, brushing. Purchasing expensive 3M 4200 caulking locally - almost $50 a tube. Re-installing and letting the caulking cure.

Saturday morning, December 16th - fingers crossed as we watched INTREPID II head back to the marina under the very capable guidance of the works crew.  This time, Kelly wasn't below as long as he monitored 'drops' rather than leaks and from only 2 through-hulls - the hardest to reach, under the galley cupboards.  Decision made to proceed to our slip on A dock, in calm winds and blue skies.  Helping hands took our lines and our sailboat was once more in the water.  Monitoring will be required as we hope the drops dry up as we proceed with projects at the dock.  On with the boat project to-do list!

December 10, 2017

A Long Awaited Reunion!

After much too long a time, S.V. INTREPID II and her crew have reunited in the works yard of Marina San Carlos Marina Seca.  Two years of Sonoran sun, wind, rain and a hurricane in the fall of 2016 have left their marks on our sturdy sailboat.  We are working diligently to clean off the initial layers of dust and grime, inspect everything that will be below the water line, polish the prop, replace the zinc, check all the through-hulls.  In the cabin interior, the strength of the winds ensured that a thorough cleaning is in store - grit and dust especially in the galley.  A busy week of TLC.

Our drive from Victoria to San Carlos took us to Portland, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Green Valley and across the border at Nogales. Weather and road conditions were good.  Highway 15 through Hermosilla and on to San Carlos was a 'work in progress' with a massive amount of new highway being laid down on one side or the other, requiring a steady zig-zag along mostly single undivided lanes.  San Carlos was waiting for us on our arrival!  We found a room for Monday and Tuesday evening while we arranged for an apartment for the coming weeks.  The view is lovely and we have space to set up the sewing machine for projects and repairs.  The abundance of 'boat stuff' that accumulates is being sorted and thinned out - otherwise we'd have to keep raising INTREPID'S waterline.

Based on upcoming high tides, we plan on putting INTREPID in the water mid-week (13th) to continue our preparations: hanking on sails, re-running all the lines, halyards, checking every fitting and connection; the usual!  The Northers didn't wait long to remind us of their force and impact.  Thursday and Friday they blew fiercely for 48 hours.  Friends in Mazatlan noted in their blog that the winds impacted their departure plans.  All part of cruising in the Sea of Cortez.

Wishing you all a happy holiday season.  Christmas lights are twinkling against the backdrop of sea and mountains.

August 9, 2017

Bluewater Cruising August Rendezvous at Newcastle Island

Looking west from Newcastle across docks to Nanaimo

Thanks to the thoughtful invitation of Edie and Adam of SV Libertina, we were once again able to attend a Bluewater Cruising rendezvous. The August gathering has been held at Newcastle Island for several years, organized by the Vancouver Chapter, in conjunction with the Peterson Cup rally.  We were looking forward to exploring the Island and participating in the gathering.

Libertina at Newcastle docks

The Newcastle Island website states:
Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park is part of Snuneymuxw First Nation Traditional Territory. The Snuneymuxw are a Coast Salish people who live on Vancouver Island and speak the Hul'qumi'num dialect. Prior to European contact the Snuneymuxw had many winter villages along the Nanaimo Harbour, each one consisting of several longhouses.  Newcastle Island or Saysutshun has always had a special place in the hearts of Snuneymuxw people or mustiyuxw.  It has been used as a place of healing.  Saysutshun was also used for the training grounds of the competitive canoe pullers, they would run the trails to keep themselves in top physical shape. Saysutshun was also used for gathering traditional medicines.
BC Parks:  Visitors to Newcastle Island can choose from an extensive network of walking/hiking trails that lead to various historic points around the island. Indian middens offer mute evidence of at least two Salish First Nations villages, which were deserted before the discovery of coal in this area in 1849. Subsequent decades saw the island’s fortunes rise and fall as it went through various incarnations while supporting a fish-salting operation, a sandstone quarry and a shipyard.
Dock space had been secured, which made attending the various potlucks and land activities as easy as stepping off the boat.  Libertina's tender was not meant for more than two, so we left the water sports to those who had roomier dinghies.  We were pleased to reconnect with several Vancouver members we hadn't seen for many years and meet newer members.  An abundance of tasty food, stories, time for walks across the island, passenger ferry rides across to Nanaimo, all contributed to a busy and enjoyable weekend. 
Trails and beaches to explore
We made a mid morning departure on Monday and successfully avoided the Malahat crawl.  Back to house projects!

2017 Peterson Cup Rally on board SV Libertina

The Captain joined Adam W. as crew on SV Libertina in the recent BCA Peterson Cup Rally.  This was an opportunity to test sailing and racing skills as well as revisit the anchorages of the Gulf Islands.

As the invitation to cruisers stated:

Once again, the waters, islands, nooks and crannies of the Salish Sea will become the backdrop for this year's cruise:  Panama Canal in Four Days.  Ken Christie will head up the indomitable Peterson Cup fleet which will gather as per tradition in Mark Bay, off Protection Island, Nanaimo, on Sat July 29.  The Dinghy Dock Pub will be the first official meeting place, at 1600 h; following a libation or two, vessels will be measured and assigned the canal transit fee (rumoured to be $1200) and the agricultural clearance fee ($200). Advisors can be bribed daily with hot baked pies to be served at Appy Hour.  And, of course, everyone gets a ZARP file.
Bright and early (!) on Sunday morning, the fleet will set sail, seeking adventure, good food, good grog and great company at the end of the day's voyage (destination to be determined by consensus prior to departure).  During the rally, boats must use sails, anchor off (no docks allowed!), and all food and libations will come from ship's stores.
Kelly had a week to get organized and consult regarding gear, provisions and logistics.  En route he sent SPOT messages from each anchorage - much appreciated as even when the next day's destination was decided upon it was subject to change. Saturday was a sail, motor-sail journey from Sidney to Protection Island across from Nanaimo to anchor and join the group. Sunday was a sail to Jedediah Island, anchoring in Little Bull Passage; plan was to stay and hike.  Monday - sailed to Tribune Bay at Hornby Island instead. Tuesday - actually stayed at anchor and hiked the island.  Wednesday - down Sabine Channel and across to Secret Cove on the mainland.  Thursday - a vigorous sail back to Newcastle Island, with a wrap up gathering at Gina's Mexican Cafe in Nanaimo.     
This year's participants were recognized at the BCA rendezvous on Newcastle Island and the Cup awarded to the Captain of SV Mischief.
L to R: Heather, Kelly, Adam, Frank, Dawn (hiding), Peter

L to R:  Dawn, Peter, Connie, Campbell, Jennifer, Ken, Russ, Loell

Farewell to Rosie

Our sweet and sassy Rosie almost reached her 19th birthday (September 7th) and we are grateful for the 15 years she shared our home.  Both Rosie and Sebastian made attempts at being Intrepid boat cats; however, they needed more 'personal space' than what is available on a 40 foot sailboat.

Rosie became much more an indoor kitty in her later years, curling up next to the Captain in front of a cozy fire.  Or, she looked out on her domain from the comfort of a cushioned viewing spot overlooking the front yard.  Every now and then she surprised us by venturing outdoors, down to her 'grass buffet', checking out the backyard and back up the deck.  She had enjoyed the chaise lounge for many summers, but the Admiral was now allowed to stretch out.

Sadly, in spite of the efforts of our vets and our own TLC, we found ourselves holding our courageous Rosie as she slipped away in late June.  Tears of course.  It has been a subdued summer since that time.
Rosie in 2002 - 4 years old
Enjoying the sunshine