Bee on vibrant Sennetti |
While INTREPID II endures the heat of a San Carlos summer, her crew are focusing on that long list of land based, home focused projects. We've been so fortunate that this summer has been predominantly sunny and warm, with some very hot days at times. Rainy days have been few, so there has been no excuse to put off painting, gardening, building woodsheds, modifying the watering systems as well as the day to day house chores. The camera is always close at hand to capture the special moments when a butterfly or bee lands on a blossom and stays long enough to focus! We also appreciate visits from the Anna's Hummingbirds who announce their presence with the buzz and zooms of mini helicopters (not fast enough yet for a photo though).
Tiger Swallowtail on Bowles Mauve |
While our property does not have the necessary sunny exposure for a full size garden, we do enjoy planting and harvesting on a smaller scale, in pots. We have a rewarding crop of cherry tomatoes from two trailing baskets as well as salad greens, baby kale and of course catnip!
Small-scale gardening - trailing cherry tomatoes |
Rosie - enjoying her lounge chair |
All is not hard work however. We find time for a refreshing Gin and Tonic or other refreshment by late afternoon and relax on our deck with the furry ones.
Sebastian in the garden - what Summer is all about! |
The Captain taking a well deserved break - Sebastian ignores the comfy cushions |
The bbq is our favorite means of preparing dinner. Rresh salmon, ling cod, halibut, rib eye steaks, corn on the cob, chicken, all tastes so much better.
The Chef at the bbq - Cheers! |
In early July, 'intrepid' family members arrived from Alberta to tackle the challenging West Coast Trail. They returned a week later with minimal bumps, bruises and a well deserved sense of accomplishment after completing the 75 km hike in 7.5 days.
Our home was the staging area on the Friday evening once they arrived; rechecking packs and equipment after we'd enjoyed a family reunion around the dinner table. It was a very early morning wakeup call - 4:30 am. Kelly delivered the hiking quartet to the West Coast Trail Express in downtown Victoria, which in turn delivered them to Pachena Bay near Bamfield over 6 hours of mostly bumpy, logging road.
The hikers started their trek with one of those few days of rain, unfortunately. There were no glorious west coast sunsets as by evening the fog tended to roll in. The initial section was in the trees; sometimes on boardwalks, sometimes on logs, in various stages of repair or decay.
Trail in the trees from Pachena Bay southward |
A sample of the beach sections - sometimes hard packed, sometimes not easy walking.
The ladders! And every now and then a rung was missing!
Sea Lions have their own opinions about what is going on!
Sea Lions watching the hikers |
If you are curious about what this experience entails, here is the website with planning advice, maps and how to reserve info:
Map of West Coast Trail - 75 kms of challenge and amazement! |
Our own summer pursuits were not as ambitious, but geared to more leisurely options:
Extravagant blooms at Glendale Gardens |
Bike riding, walking the trails around Rithet's Bog, meandering up the Saanich Peninsula to check out the farm stands filled with fresh produce, stocking up on reading material at our favorite bookstore - Russells, taking day-trips in the area and discovering our own 'backyard'; attending the Artists in the Garden event at Glendale Gardens.
Heron in Japanese Gardens - HCP |
Mallard couple at Rithet's Bog |
Red winged Blackbird |
Quiet marina near Sooke - Olympic Mountains in the distance |
The Captain and some adventuresome mates headed north to the Campbell River area in mid-August for a day of salmon fishing off the beach. Some tall tale fish stories. Sadly, no fish this time. Lessons learned, equipment tested....ready for next time.
Not quite the size the Captain hoped to catch |
We recently attended an excellent reunion with many cruising friends and friends of friends courtesy of Fran and Jean-Guy of S.V. Gosling. They generously provided the setting for a pot-luck bbq, as well as the main courses. Hopefully we will continue to cross paths with all these cruising friends. August is coming to a close; time to plan the next cruising adventure!
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