Winter Solstice: the daylight hours will slowly increase as we look forward to brighter skies and warmer weather, all in good time. The INTREPID II crew are at home for Christmas for a second year in a row. This was not part of our initial plan, but we are nothing if not flexible! If those plans 'set in sand at low tide' unfold as we hope, our lovely home away from home sailboat will see at least one of us soon in the new year.
We've finally had time to review many of the cruising blogs we followed more closely in the past. Admiring where friends are in their own plans and adventures. Like us, not everyone has had opportunities to update. Others are continuing on their excellent cruising adventures and we will enjoy reading of their exploits in the coming year. Our own year has passed quickly as we continue to tackle various 'to do' home and yard projects. A few actually were 'checked off' that lengthy list. There were family events, both celebratory and sad, some enjoyable day trips and Kelly was invited to sail on a short cruise in the Gulf Islands on a 'guys only trip' which he thoroughly enjoyed.

the neighbourhood from 'her' chaise lounge in warmer weather and from the living room vantage spot on colder days.

Sebastian, at 12.5 years of age, still 'does his rounds', ensuring he explores his territory thoroughly. We continue to stay alert for 'just the right' people who would appreciate and care for these kitties and our home so we can both continue our cruising adventures on INTREPID II.
WISHING YOU A VERY MERRY, JOYFUL CHRISTMAS wherever this greeting finds you.

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