It is time to update everyone who might be wondering why SV INTREPID II is still languishing lonely on the hard in San Carlos. Where is her crew? Cruising plans being written in sand at low tide as everyone says, we are still here at home on Vancouver Island wishing we were indeed on our way southward!
We had a busy Summer and Fall. Thee are still projects on the house and yard 'to do' list; however many are complete; several others have a 'wait until spring' note beside them. We were disappointed to discover our house-sitters of three cruising seasons wished to have greater flexibility of their own this year. Not unreasonable at all, but nevertheless a surprise. It is difficult to find caring, reliable, cat-astute people who are comfortable with the responsibility for two aging felines who need TLC, patience and daily medications. We remain hopeful we'll be successful finding their successors and soon! They set the bar high.
In the meantime, we will be celebrating Christmas in our own home for the first time in four years. It is a treat to decorate and bring out many of the ornaments, lights and decorations which have remained in storage. The weather is wet and cool; not exactly the warm, sunny days we recall from Christmases past in Mexico. If anyone is in the neighbourhood of Marina Seca in San Carlos, please give our lonely INTREPID II a pat on her rudder. Tell her we miss her and hope to be with her some time in the new year.
We wish all our cruising friends a wonderful Yuletide season, whether in the Sea of Cortez, further south in Central America, or much further offshore. Look for updates from time to time. We enjoy hearing from you and reading of your own adventures.
Fair winds - Ho Ho Ho!
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