Suddenly there was an explosion and smoke billowing by the fuel dock |
This afternoon we had some excitement on the dock. Carol and I were in the cockpit, measuring and cutting some cushioning for standing at the wheel, when we heard what sounded like a couple of cannon shots in the distance. We decided it was just a truck going over a tope, the killer Mexican speed bump. A minute later, we looked up to see clouds of smoke, then a fiery boat drifting out of the fuel dock area. The winds were keeping it well away from us, but we were glad they had cut it away from the fuel dock, as there are two 40,000 litre tanks there.
The Mexican Navy, whose docks and patrol boats were in harm's way, and the local bomberos (firemen) responded quickly. We watched as the boat drifted, then was caught by a Navy boat and towed away from their other boats, then back closer to the dock so the fire trucks could spray it. A total loss, as you would expect, but the actions of the fuel dock personnel here at the marina and the bomberos and Navy kept the situation from being much worse. The explosion happened while the boat was being fueled and the fire was not able to be stopped, despite quick action by the marina staff. The skipper is in the hospital, but the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) ambulance crew said he will be OK.