How quickly we've had to change focus, coming home to our very special cats and all the planned house and yard projects we hope to tackle before our next sailing adventure. We had a warm welcome home and the cats didn't feel the need to ignore us after all, even though they hadn't seen us since last September. They've quickly trained us once again to their routines and were pleased to have visits from their very dedicated pet sitters. We're so glad to find it was a good experience for everyone while we were travelling.
Sebastian in his tunnel |
Rosie loves her fleece blanket |
May has been a cool, rainy month and it feels more like fall than spring, but the yard is green and flowers are in bloom. Kelly has added a new lawnmower to our yard implements inventory and it seems the lawn needs cutting once a week.
We looked forward to attending the May 18th Bluewater Cruising Association meeting and were welcomed by the V.I. Vice Commodore, along with the crews of Dolphin Tales, Narama and Keetya I. It is somewhat strange to see each other without our respective sailboats, which have become such a part of our lives. It was great to see many of the "
doers, doners and dreamers" and to realize that we were finally "doers"! Ironically, we weren't able to attend the annual May BCA rendezvous at Bedwell Harbour on South Pender Island - no boat! Perhaps before the August rendezvous at Montague we'll have made some arrangements to join the gathering and wish the Fleet of 2010 a safe send-off.