What can we say...our first cruising adventure is "suddenly" over and we are pleased to be back home, in our "very, very, very fine house, with 2 cats in the yard...."
It is surreal to say the least to realize INTREPID II is thousands of miles away in Guaymas. We are in "re-entry" mode. We can't thank Lois and Rod, our dauntless house/pet sitters, enough for the attention to our kitties, our home and yard. They are a tough act to follow as our neighbours have advised us!
Guaymas to Hermosillo to Nogales to Tuscon USA (courtesy of tourbymexico brochure) |
Kelly had a fairly pleasant trip home once he had bid adios to INTREPID II, starting with a cab ride to the TUFESA bus station for a late evening boarding; a long, but comfortable bus ride "
executivo" style from Guaymas, through various checkpoints, the border crossing at Nogales, on to Tucson and then arrival in Phoenix around 10:00 am the following morning. His trip lasted nearly 11 hours (complete with an "Alvin and the Chipmunks" movie in Spanish to pass the time). He checked in at a nearby hotel to get some rest and still felt 'at home' as the neighbourhood had many Spanish signs on the businesses. That was followed by an early night and a taxi to the airport early next morning to catch his 06:00 am flight to Seattle. Travelling light with no checked baggage kept him moving quickly and he arrived home Tuesday just after noon to a warm welcome.
Since then we've been setting up phones plans, getting car insurance and new plates, "provisioning" but with vehicles this time, buying a new lawn mower, going through 8 months of mail, tax returns to tackle. Where did we stow our warm clothes? Why are we so cold in May? Our house sitters extraordinaire left us a very special memento of their stay, a journal filled with photos of the adventures of Rosie and Sebastian. Those kitties weren't spoiled...much. Birthday parties, Christmas presents, St. Patrick's day.
Reality is setting in. We are looking forward to catching up with our Vancouver Island cruising friends who are making their respective ways home, as well as all our BCA friends. Having a "virtual boat" will be strange for the summer. Not sure how we'll attend the upcoming rendezvous, but we are looking forward to attending the monthly meetings. Thanks to everyone who has followed us on this first season of our cruising journey. We appreciate your interest and enthusiasm and we will update the blog from time to time as we have items of interest.
Muchas gracias! Buenos nachos (as Henry would say!)
Salud from the Admiral! |
And Salud from a very content Captain! |