S/V INTREPID II - Cape Dory Intrepid 40

My photo
Intrepid II is a Cape Dory Intrepid 40 sailboat, hull #2, designed by Chuck Paine and discovered by the Captain in Blue Hill Maine in 2006. The crew are Kelly (Captain) and Carol (Admiral and Blogger). In 2009 INTREPID II embarked on her West Coast journey from Victoria to San Francisco, the Baja Sur Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez. In 2010/2011, we sailed from Guaymas, south to Bahia Banderas and back. In 2011/2012 we left Guaymas, headed south to La Paz, spent three weeks at anchor on our northward journey and rested on the hard in San Carlos. Her 4th, 5th and 6th seasons were Boat Projects related. Season 7 - an incredible amount of boat work - but no cruising. Season 8 - Tropical Storm Sergio toppled Intrepid II in San Carlos dry storage. A disappointing season of serious and costly repairs. Season 9 - continuing those repairs and still hopeful for cruising. 2024 - well cruising plans certainly have been dashed the past few seasons!

April 18, 2010

Photos - San Carlos area

INTREPID II docked in Marina San Carlos (second from left)
With thanks to our cruising guides, here is some background on San Carlos and a few more pictures of the days we spent in Marina San Carlos.  San Carlos is the focus for boaters, divers, fishermen and everyone who enjoys the sea and the mountains.  There are distinctive peaks, known as the  "Tetas de Cabra" or Tetakawi mountains rising above the bahia and they can be seen for miles.

The town was once a large ranch which eventually became developed into a tourist and retirement destination and incorporated in 1963.  There is no real 'town centre' here and a vehicle is very useful, as the markets, hardware stores, most restaurants and other services are spread along both sides of the road to Guaymas.  We were fortunate to get rides from cruising friends to Super Izzy's market, Tony's for fresh produce and tamales (thanks Linde!) and even to a well hidden hair salon (thanks Cheryl!).
Local transportation
We rode the bus from San Carlos to Guaymas for 12 pesos each ($1)  and found out you may have to wait for one that is a bit more comfortable for the 40 minute ride. These vehicles have obviously been 'retired' from other communities and the shocks and seats are a bit less than comfy.
Interior of local bus
Kelly, Ken, Linde and Leonard relaxing at the marina Cantina
INTREPID II and Rosebud folks finally had a few days together at the marina. We enjoyed having dinner together and catching up, as well as working on prepping the boats for haul out.  In this photo, Leonard, of SV Vallee Cachet joined us.
Cheryl and Frank on board 
SV Serendipity folks, whom we first met back in San Evaristo, while we all waited out a "norther", joined us for 'happy hour' on board INTREPID II.  They are busy with haul out chores too and have offered Carol a ride to Phoenix -- many thanks!
SV Sea Turtle heading for haul out
SV Sea Turtle I came in to San Carlos from Guaymas in very blustery conditions, to be hauled out, then to rush back to join friends as last minute crew to the Marquesas.  We were glad to be able to take lines and catch up for a few minutes.  See you in Victoria!

The Captain's Club is close to the marina and often has a great keyboard player and singer performing, who also accompanies the Monday night silent movies.

We enjoyed the lovely voice and music of this singer, Laura Robles, at La Palapa, an open air Greek restaurant, with new cruising friends, Dan and Shirley.