S/V INTREPID II - Cape Dory Intrepid 40

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Intrepid II is a Cape Dory Intrepid 40 sailboat, hull #2, designed by Chuck Paine and discovered by the Captain in Blue Hill Maine in 2006. The crew are Kelly (Captain) and Carol (Admiral and Blogger). In 2009 INTREPID II embarked on her West Coast journey from Victoria to San Francisco, the Baja Sur Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez. In 2010/2011, we sailed from Guaymas, south to Bahia Banderas and back. In 2011/2012 we left Guaymas, headed south to La Paz, spent three weeks at anchor on our northward journey and rested on the hard in San Carlos. Her 4th, 5th and 6th seasons were Boat Projects related. Season 7 - an incredible amount of boat work - but no cruising. Season 8 - Tropical Storm Sergio toppled Intrepid II in San Carlos dry storage. A disappointing season of serious and costly repairs. Season 9 - continuing those repairs and still hopeful for cruising. 2024 - well cruising plans certainly have been dashed the past few seasons!

January 1, 2010


Happy New Year from the INTREPID II crew -- we wish you the very best for 2010: health, happiness, love and laughter, excellent anchorages and smooth sailing, peace and prosperity.

No celebrating for us last night, however, as we've been staying quiet - resting, reading, taking lots of vitamins, drinking pots of green tea and a few other medicinal remedies.  We've both caught different variations of "whatever is out there" and hope to shake it soon.  It actually was quite quiet on the docks last evening although we could hear the fire works from the Magote and a few pistol shots as well, but the Tylenol was working and we only welcomed in cruisers' midnight (9 pm). 

The latest "norther" is slowing down a bit -- we had gusts over 20 knots in the marina and overnight felt the swells - good practice for when we head out next week, if all goes as planned.  There will be quite the exodus in this next week with some heading to the islands and some doing the southern crossing.  La Paz exercises quite a pull on most people, making it hard to untie the dock lines, but there are anchorages to explore and sailing to be had.

Mary Lee, Heidi, Russ in Santa hat and others
Our Christmas celebrations were very enjoyable.  We attended the Club Cruceros' Christmas Eve party, where the highlight was Christmas carols, popular and traditional, headed up by our friends Heidi and Russ of SV Tillicum I.

With all the musical talent they pulled together, it was a real treat for everyone, along with the excellent food and conversation.

We took a quiet walk back at the marina before turning in, and enjoyed the lights on the promenade and decorated boats.

Christmas Day we were able to reach family via Skype -- some connections were good and others not, but we felt connected across those miles being able to hear those warm, familiar voices. Thanks to all who sent us greetings over the Internet, and we hope those of you whom we couldn't reach will know we had you in our thoughts.

The spirit of Christmas treated us well, with a thoughtful invitation from friends Kristi and Paul, whom we last saw a few years ago when they gave a presentation to Bluewater Cruising Association  Victoria Fleet members.  Along with several of their friends, we feasted on turkey and all the trimmings, two excellent desserts, wine, and excellent conversation - and then some professional musical entertainment when the keyboard, trumpet and drums were set up.  We'll remember this Christmas  for many years to come.