Merry Christmas from "the INTREPID II crew" in La Paz, "the Peace" - an apt name for this picturesque, welcoming city in Baja Caliornia Sur.
While the sunshine and temperature (mid 70's F. daytime; mid- 50's at night) are somewhat different than we are used to back home, seasonal celebrations and decorations are seen throughout the area - lights wrapped around palm tree trunks on the Malecon, Santa Claus and snowmen and wreaths decorating boats, storefronts and yards.
We have much to be thankful for - safe passages (now that we can relax and look back on them and the excitement and challenges at the time); good health (the bruises are healing nicely); friendship and advice from fellow cruisers (the outboard seems to work - thanks Russ!); and a friendly and welcoming environment wherever we've been so far.
We wish you the best of the season, however you chose to celebrate. May it be joyful and meaningful and bring you peace and contentment.