S/V INTREPID II - Cape Dory Intrepid 40

My photo
Intrepid II is a Cape Dory Intrepid 40 sailboat, hull #2, designed by Chuck Paine and discovered by the Captain in Blue Hill Maine in 2006. The crew are Kelly (Captain) and Carol (Admiral and Blogger). In 2009 INTREPID II embarked on her West Coast journey from Victoria to San Francisco, the Baja Sur Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez. In 2010/2011, we sailed from Guaymas, south to Bahia Banderas and back. In 2011/2012 we left Guaymas, headed south to La Paz, spent three weeks at anchor on our northward journey and rested on the hard in San Carlos. Her 4th, 5th and 6th seasons were Boat Projects related. Season 7 - an incredible amount of boat work - but no cruising. Season 8 - Tropical Storm Sergio toppled Intrepid II in San Carlos dry storage. A disappointing season of serious and costly repairs. Season 9 - continuing those repairs and still hopeful for cruising. 2024 - well cruising plans certainly have been dashed the past few seasons!

January 4, 2019

End of Year Musings - December 2018

Palapa and chilly pool - Villa Serena
Looks quite inviting - doesn't it?

We hope you all found special ways to celebrate Christmas 2018 or your chosen day and that it brought you peacefulness and "joy-filled-ness" and sharing and caring.  The INTREPID II crew found themselves moving yet again (3rd time) into new accommodations on the 24th, which didn't leave time for pre-Christmas musings and well wishes.  However, we too found ways to focus on the meaning of this time of year and connected with family and friends far and near.

For those who might not have received our shorter than usual "Christmas Note", our past weeks included a roller-coaster ride of enjoyment and challenges.  Writing now (from the perspective of early January) is somewhat anti-climactic, so we will offer more of a pictorial overview with a few comments, then hope to do more timely updates.

On the cheery, social side, we enjoyed chats with several of our condo neighbours and the ability to observe the shorebirds at close hand - pelicans, willets, sandpipers, herons, egrets and others. An evening presentation on the Birds of San Carlos by Mary Tannehill was enlightening. An invitation to a private home for an afternoon and evening of music and good food was a treat.
Music and camaraderie overlooking a fabulous view
From our abode we could walk to several spots for dinner and music - Captain's Club, Maria's, Tortuga's, Shots.  We shopped at Santa Rosa market, visited the Rescate Saturday market for veggies, tamales and chiles rellenos.
Christmas crafts on offer at the market
Castaway Kids Grand Opening with Susan, Omar and Mark - local musicians

Meeting up with cruising friends as we spotted each other on the street or in the works yard or marina brought us up to date with their particular plans, projects and challenges.  The Admiral was doing her best to fight off bronchitis - the San Carlos crud - as a birthday was on the horizon.  Fortunately, she managed to be 'up' for both a tasty dinner at Piccolo's and one at Sunset Grill on Algodones Beach the next day.  Both included friendly people we've come to know and share time with.
Sunset Grill
Back to boat issues. The determination of all the damages and required repairs to INTREPID II was ongoing and the Captain spent time with our surveyor, rigger, works yard crew along with regular visits to the nearby ferreteria for chisels, sandpaper, solvents, eye protectors and many items not to be found. Kelly handed the bottom painting project without the Admiral, who was decidedly under the weather. The thru-hulls were a major focus to ensure the leaks of last season were dealt with. 
Looking great with new bottom paint 
We scheduled a 'splash' date at the marina for December 18th, intending to continue working on projects in the water.  Initially all that was available was a spot on A Dock, with the over 40 foot boats, but that would get us a start.  Then B Dock had an opening and bright and early 7:00 am, INTREPID II was on the trailer and on to the marina boat launch.  Nothing major to keep us from motoring and docking, with helping hands, but disappointingly, our marina stay was short-lived.  By mid-afternoon, Kelly determined there were 'new' leaks - depth sounder among others, and some sea cocks were seeping, keeping the bilge pump busy.  Wednesday, December 19th was another early morning to slip the lines and reverse our short voyage, back to the launch ramp for a 7:00 am trip back to the works yard.  For the briefest of times, in the early dawn, we pretended we were heading out and away. 

Major sigh!  This complication meant we now had no place to call home shortly, as our stay at the lovely waterfront unit ended December 24th - no room at the Inn!.  We went in search of accommodations on short notice.  What seemed like serendipity in finding a reasonably priced casita in a small development near the works yard was a rushed decision we are living with.  Another series of lessons learned as the unit was in reality not ready to be rented, the owner lives in Hermosillo and the well meaning woman who showed us the unit was leaving on an extended vacation! Enough said.  (Two weeks later we are still waiting for plumbing and electrical issues to be dealt with.)

December 21st brought the Winter Solstice and a fabulous Full Moon and extremely high and low tides.  We finally caught up with friend Ken over dinner at Blackie's and enjoyed their always well prepared dinners.  December 23rd saw us packing and obtaining the keys for our new abode and December 24th moving the last luggage and bidding "adios" to Lucky and our Dorado friends. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were bright spots in the midst of our boat challenges, as we attended a very friendly, gracious house party that evening, which included a rooftop vantage spot to watch the annual Boat Parade of Lights.  Christmas morning meant calls to family and friends or emails and opening a few 'treats'.  A quiet beach walk; attending the annual Community Christmas Lunch sponsored by Barracuda Bob's at the yacht club; driving to the Soggy Peso for Omar's Ukulele Concert in the afternoon and a visit to Lucky, the condo amigo we already were missing.

View of Tetakawis from yacht club Christmas Day - lots of mist and moisture in the air

Christmas afternoon - Soggy Peso Bar 
Omar and his ukulele concert

Lucky - the Condominios Dorado cat - our amigo
And so it goes!  Time to post this out of date update and seize the day.  We have had chilly nights in San Carlos and often strong, gusty winds.  Nothing like the winter storms, power outages and generally very unseasonable weather 'back home' of course.  Wishing everyone  well and hoping your New Year has started on a good note. 
A well deserved rest at the end of a challenging day
Tetakawis at dusk overlooking the dry storage yard - our new view