SV INTREPID II left the dock last Saturday for a short trip to Portland Island, an hour's motoring away. We unfurled the jib, but the winds were shifty and made for some tricky sail handling until it seemed best to furl up and motor northward.
Our friends on SV Libertina had decided the unexpected northerly winds had made Royal Cove anchorage unsuitable and were anchored in Princess Bay on the south side. They had set both bow and stern anchors and their buddy boat, SV Captain Morgan II had anchored as well, before rafting up. Many hands were on deck to take our lines and make fast INTREPID II and we were soon enjoying a pleasant happy hour. An extravagant potluck dinner followed. Good food, good conversation and we were content. At evening's end, the sky was clear and filled with stars and the Milky Way.

Our friends on SV Libertina had decided the unexpected northerly winds had made Royal Cove anchorage unsuitable and were anchored in Princess Bay on the south side. They had set both bow and stern anchors and their buddy boat, SV Captain Morgan II had anchored as well, before rafting up. Many hands were on deck to take our lines and make fast INTREPID II and we were soon enjoying a pleasant happy hour. An extravagant potluck dinner followed. Good food, good conversation and we were content. At evening's end, the sky was clear and filled with stars and the Milky Way.
Overnight was fairly smooth and quiet and we awoke to a cool, but sunny day. Always "intrepid" we joined our friends for a brisk hike around the island, which is a marine park. As the dinghy dock had been raised out of the water for the winter season, we had to scramble up from the beach through the trees to locate the path. A very enjoyable way to spend the morning, although we did just the 1/2 island hike counter clockwise, to save the First Mate's knees; the Captain then went on to meet up with everyone else near Shell Beach.

After another shared meal, INTREPID II cast off for home. This time, there was no wind to fill the sails. The day was clear, the water sparkled, and we were glad we'd chosen to get away for one last sunny rendezvous.
After another shared meal, INTREPID II cast off for home. This time, there was no wind to fill the sails. The day was clear, the water sparkled, and we were glad we'd chosen to get away for one last sunny rendezvous.